photo credit: keef palas

photo credit: keef palas

Immortelle, a flower of everlasting beauty native to the mediterranean. Pictured here, immortelle in the home Salvadore Dali. The color and scent of these flowers can remain for years. I loved discovering that Dali was fascinated by this little flower just as I am.

photo credit: dear friend and talented artist Midge Wattles

photo credit: dear friend and talented artist Midge Wattles

Under the warm sun my dear friend Emma introduced me to immortelle. We picked bundles of the wild flowers, then went back to her home and made endless bouquets. I sat and drew from the immortelle that Emma had growing in her garden, trying to capture its wandering stems and tiny yellow blossoms.

photo credit: Midge Wattles

photo credit: Midge Wattles

Emma standing in one of her many flower gardens with the beautiful immortelle on her left.

photo credit: dear friend Caroline Goddard

photo credit: dear friend Caroline Goddard

photo credit:  Caroline Goddard

photo credit: Caroline Goddard